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You’ll find stories about planning, preparing and paying for college for students of all ages, as well as general education news that you can use. Check out the latest edition to see what it’s like.

Planning for College

Getting Admitted

Helping your student with college admissions

Finding and applying to the right college can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if you’ve never done it before.
These tips might make the process less stressful.

  • Learn about the process before you actually get involved in it. KHEAA Outreach counselors, school counselors and online sources can provide guidance.
  • Consider the cost of a college, but don’t make that the deciding factor at the beginning of the process. You and your student should talk about that when you start the process. You can use KHEAA’s Getting the Facts – Your Personalized College Guide to get an idea of what you’ll be expected to pay out of pocket. However, you won’t know your actual cost until you get the financial aid award letter from the school. Then you and your child can discuss your options.
  • Sit down with your child to draw up a list of deadlines for applications, letters of recommendation, ACT/SAT dates, etc. This is a good time to familiarize your student with a monthly planner, which will come in handy when he or she arrives on campus.
  • Let your student make the important decisions after talking them over with you and getting your advice. Your student should know you’re always available to discuss concerns and offer advice.
  • Be there to provide support. The process is stressful for your child, especially if he or she is applying to more selective colleges and facing rejection letters.
  • Remind your student about deadlines, but don’t do so constantly. It’s a process your child needs to do alone as much as possible.