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Paying for College

Scholarship Search

Use your money to pay for college, not scholarship searches

Most information about scholarships is available for free.

Scholarship search companies may charge hundreds, even thousands, of dollars to give you a list of scholarships. That’s money better spent paying for college. With a little detective work, you can find financial aid sources yourself. Here’s how:

  • Use the free Federal Student Aid Scholarship Search.
  • Explore KHEAA's publication, Affording Higher Education, to learn about financial aid programs for Kentucky Students.
  • Talk with a financial aid advisor at the college you plan to attend.
  • Attend free financial aid workshops offered by local schools and colleges. Don’t confuse these free workshops with "free" ones offered by companies, often at local motel conference rooms. The "free" part is a come on to get you to sign up for expensive consultant services.