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You’ll find stories about planning, preparing and paying for college for students of all ages, as well as general education news that you can use. Check out the latest edition to see what it’s like.

Adult Learners

Repaying Your Loans

If you took out a loan to help pay for college, remember that you have to repay the loan. You promised to do that when you signed the promissory note, whether you took out a federal loan, a private loan or both. That means you have to repay the loan even if you:

  • Don’t complete your education.
  • Aren’t able to get a job after you complete your program of study.
  • Are dissatisfied with or don’t receive the education you paid for.

This section will find help you understand your options and responsibilities, the consequences of not repaying your loans and what to do if you’re having trouble repaying your student loans. Use this section to help you manage your repayment and maintain a clean financial record.