School Evaluation Chart

Use this school evaluation chart to help you with what questions you should ask about the schools you're considering.

Selecting a School

College Options

Kentucky has a full range of options when it comes to schools: public universities, private schools, community colleges and trade schools. What's best for you depends on your goals. The following information can help you develop a list of schools you're interested in. Don't forget to consider campus life as well as academics in making your decision.

Public universities

Programs generally are four years and lead to bachelor's degrees. Universities offer more choices for degrees and majors, have bigger libraries for research and can be a good bargain. Some universities also offer two-year programs, and all offer graduate or professional programs.

Private schools

Programs are similar to that of state universities, but at independent colleges and universities, class sizes are usually smaller and you get more personal attention from professors. Many are affiliated with a particular church and offer church-related programs.

Technical schools

Technical schools are privately owned schools offering specialized training in everything from cosmetology to medical assistance training. Some schools only offer one specialty; others have many. Some technical schools also offer programs leading to associate's degrees.

Public two-year colleges

You may want to continue your education at one of the state's community and technical colleges. You can follow several paths there. One leads to an associate's degree that prepares you for finishing a bachelor's degree. Other paths prepare you for entering the workforce. These can take from six months to two years to complete. Courses you take at community and technical colleges may transfer to a four-year college for credit if you want a bachelor's degree. A big advantage of going this route is that you can usually find a two-year school near you, meaning you can save money by living at home.

Comparing Schools

It's time to compare the schools you're considering. Gather as much information about each school as you can and list it on our handy school evaluation chart. Evaluate each school based on what getting an education there can do for you after graduation. Higher education is a significant investment in your future, so plan wisely. Base your final decision on: