Who We Are

KHEAA and KHESLC share a common mission to ensure all students seeking to further their postsecondary education are successful. Our vision is to connect all Kentuckians to higher education.
KHEAA is the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, a state agency established in 1966 to improve students’ access to higher education. We offer FAFSA verification and student default prevention services to higher education institutions across the country. KHEAA also provides state aid such as the Kentucky Education Excellence Scholarship (KEES) program, the College Access Program Grant (CAP), the Kentucky Tuition Grant (KTG) and other scholarship and grant programs.
KHESLC is the Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Corporation, an independent public agency created in 1978 to finance, make, purchase, and collect student loans. We offer Advantage Education Loans to students and parents, as well as Advantage Refinance Loans to borrowers already in repayment.