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Planning for College

Exploring Careers

With so many choices, deciding on a career can seem daunting. Start with thinking about your talents and interests. Talk with people whose careers or jobs interest you. Ask your parents, school counselor or librarian for help in your career quest.

Your career pathway is the route you take, and the choices you make, to reach your career goals. Ask yourself:

  • What have I learned in my life that interests me as a career?
  • How do I get to a career in those fields?
  • Do I need to go to college or technical school? If I do, what do I need to do now so I can get into college or technical school?
  • When I finish, what jobs will I be qualified to do?
  • Do I know someone who can help me reach my goal?
  • What personal, community and school resources and networks do I have that can help me prepare for my career?

Base your choices on who you are today. If your goals and interests change, you can always change your pathway.