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You’ll find stories about planning, preparing and paying for college for students of all ages, as well as general education news that you can use. Check out the latest edition to see what it’s like.


Information Sharing and Selling

KHEAA does not sell any information about you to non‐affiliated third parties.

Disclosure of information about you may be necessary in the delivery of KHEAA's services to users in the following circumstances:

  • When KHEAA is required by local, state, federal, or international law to disclose user information.
  • When KHEAA needs to provide the information to its business partners that perform services for users. These partners are given only the information needed to perform that particular service.
  • KHEAA requires disclosure of Social Security numbers to report the status of and to collect your account if your loan is serviced by KHEAA, to report to the Internal Revenue Service the interest you have paid on your student loan, and to report student aid information to the USDE National Student Loan Data System.
  • USDE requires disclosure of individuals' Social Security numbers on applications and other student aid documents.
  • When users have authorized the disclosure of such information.

Your Choices

You may choose to:

  • Not provide Personal Information, although that may result in your inability to obtain certain services or to use certain features of our website.
  • Delete or decline cookies by changing your browser settings, although if you do so, some of the features of our website services may not function properly.
  • Review and update your Personal Information by contacting us by e‐mail at legaldivision@kheaa.com or, if you have an online account on our website, by logging into that account.

Sending an E-mail to KHEAA

KHEAA will respond to e‐mails containing suggestions, concerns, and comments by using the same e‐mail address provided to KHEAA. KHEAA will not sell or forward your address to any non‐affiliated third parties without your permission. KHEAA will use e‐mail addresses only for the purpose of sending KHEAA materials. You can always opt out of receiving future e‐mails from KHEAA.

Internet Scams and Identity Theft Prevention

You should be on the alert for individuals seeking to obtain personal information through illegitimate means. One such means is commonly referred to as "phishing." In a common type of phishing scam, individuals receive e‐mails that appear to come from their financial institution. The e‐mail may look authentic, right down to the use of the institution's logo and marketing slogans. The e‐mails often describe a situation that requires immediate attention and then warn the account will be terminated unless the e‐mail recipients verify their account information immediately by clicking on a provided link. The link will take the e‐mail recipient to a screen that asks for account information. While it may appear to be a page sponsored by a legitimate financial institution, the information will actually go to the con artist who sent the e‐mail. You should never respond to such requests. KHEAA will never ask you to verify account information online. Do not be intimidated by e‐mails that warn of dire consequences for not following their instructions. Please call KHEAA if you receive any such e‐mail purporting to be from KHEAA.

The USDE Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and Federal Student Aid (FSA) offer tips to prevent and report identity theft.